Friday, June 03, 2005

East is not where I see

I was sitting in my lab yesterday, when one of my colleagues called me and asked me if I would be one of the subjects for her experiment. For those unfamiliar with what I do, let me tell you, I aspire to become a human vision scientist. That's what my colleague called me as she was telling me about her experiment, need less to say I liked the term, so henceforth I shall use it when ever I can :-).

Getting back to the experiment, it was a simple one, I was to detect motion in different directions. To my utter surprise, the results showed that I am really bad at detecting motion towards east (towards the right) compared to other directions. Usually humans are better at detecting motion in the four major directions (i.e. north (up), south, east, west) and not so good with motion in the intermediate directions (north-east etc.). I am worst in the east direction, I don't know for what reasons, though. One week into my research in this lab and I found out this, I don't know what all I will find out as I finish my PhD. I have my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Relax Bahadur, with those small chinky eyes, I will be pretty surprised if you are able to detect motion well even in one direction.