Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The most inspiring speech ever

I am sure most of you have read this speech by Steve Jobs, which he gave at Stanford University. Read it if you haven't. I read it sometime last year, came across it again today. I really like the connecting the dots story, I can almost relate to it. It is like the hindsight quote on my blog, you can connect the dots only looking back.

"Stay hungry. Stay foolsih".

Friday, March 17, 2006

Is it inevitable?

Last Sunday I went to drop challa to the airport, he walked in to a duty free shop and the lady at the front desk said I couldn't walk in since I wasn't traveling. I waited outside and had a small chat with the lady. She must have been about 65 years old or so. Here is how the conversation went,

Lady: Are you his brother?
Me: No, he is friend of mine
Lady: You from India though?
Me: Yes, and where are you from?
Lady: I am from Denmark. When did you come to US?
Me: About 2 years, not so long ago. How about you?
Lady: Oh! I came here a long time ago, I came here around 1960 for my bachelors. Never went back. You can't go back after you come here.
Me: Why would you say so?
Lady: I wanted to go back, but you get caught in two worlds. You want the freedom, your own country. When you are here you want to go back and when you get back you want to come here. You get caught in between, you can almost never make up your mind.
Me: Hmm, may be!!

And then challa came back, so had to leave.

What scares me is the way she spoke, there was almost an air of inevitability about it. At this point of time I am not thinking about when to go back, simply because it's just too far ahead in time to plan, I am just concentrating on my PhD.

But like I said, the lady almost made it sound like its a decision that's already been made, its inevitable, is it?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ever talked to a corpse head, had a bullet through your brain ...

Those are just some of the dreams that I have had over the last year or so.

- A man who was switching personality between neville (my friend and roommate) and Bruce Willis along with another huge guy were after my life, of course I killed the puny neville and just as I was about to kill this huge guy he pulled out his gun and shot me down and I swear to god I had a distinct feeling of my brain leaking out as I collapsed, it was almost real. Next thing, I woke up.

- I was talking to head who later told me he died because the jaggery I used to make some sweet in a party I threw at my place had poison in it.

- Ben the dude who lives in the apartment below us and is terribly pissed with us for making too much noise once came up to our door and forgot what he wanted to say.

- my house maid in banglore yelled at me for not cleaning up my closet.

- I was dreaming and was at a really weird place, but then in my dream this is what my thought process went - "what am I doing here, I need to wake up Nithya" :(, for people who don't know her, she is a big bully and I am gonna get my butt kicked for writing this.

These are the only things that I can come up with right now or in other words my computer is free now, need to go have a look at the results.

Ramble on

This is something what I do as a full time job, ramble on without making any sense. An (f)art I learnt back in the IIT days. But that is besides the point, which makes this whole post an oxymoron coz the idea is not to make a point. Ever seen Monty Python, I so much relate to them. For the past few months it's been a craze in my house, some of my jobless friends and me have been ruined if I may call it. "You know what I mean, eh? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more"

And now for something comletely different, the bug at the back of my house tripped over a rice grain and broke his leg.

P.S. I apologize for such a horrible post, but someone else is running my experiment on the other computer and I have nothing else to do.