Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ramble on

This is something what I do as a full time job, ramble on without making any sense. An (f)art I learnt back in the IIT days. But that is besides the point, which makes this whole post an oxymoron coz the idea is not to make a point. Ever seen Monty Python, I so much relate to them. For the past few months it's been a craze in my house, some of my jobless friends and me have been ruined if I may call it. "You know what I mean, eh? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more"

And now for something comletely different, the bug at the back of my house tripped over a rice grain and broke his leg.

P.S. I apologize for such a horrible post, but someone else is running my experiment on the other computer and I have nothing else to do.

1 comment:

PS said...

P.S. I apologize for such a horrible post
Frankly, you could have extended your blog-hiatus a little longer instead :-p